Thursday, December 18, 2014

Opinion Article Review

Can you identify all the parts of an argument?

Copy and then answer the following questions in your digital notebook. 
1)  The claim the writer is arguing is -----.
2)  The evidence the writer gives for the claim is ----- and -----.
3)  One fact the writer uses is -----.
4)  This is an opinion expressed by the writer: -----.
5)  The writer recognizes and addresses a counterclaim for the argument when he (or she) says -----.
6)  The writer makes a rebuttal to the counterclaim by writing -----.

Extra Credit:  A warrant that helps explain why the evidence supports the claim is -----.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Survey Extra Credit: Due 9/26

Write one paragraph comparing this image to Shakespeare's Sonnet 130.  Does this woman fit the image he created?  Why or Why not?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9/10 Survey Poem


Amazement fills my heart to-night,
Amaze and awful fears;
I am a ship that sees no light,
But blindly onward steers.
Flung toward heaven’s toppling rage,
Sunk between steep and steep,
A lost and wondrous fight I wage
With the embattled deep.
I neither know nor care at length
Where drives the storm about;
Only I summon all my strength
And swear to ride it out.
Yet give I thanks; despite these wars.
My ship—though blindly blown,
Long lost to sun or moon or stars—
Still stands up alone.
I need no trust in borrowed spars;
My strength is yet my own.

Friday, September 5, 2014

9/5/2014 - More Sleep

Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? If you do, it may be because you are not getting enough sleep.
Doctors are noticing that many kids do not sleep enough. The American Academy of Pediatrics is a group of doctors that studies young people. The group says that sleepiness is a serious problem for teenagers.
Doctors say that teenagers should sleep from 8.5 to 9.5 hours each night. Many students do not sleep that much, though. Some teenagers do not go to bed until late at night. They then have to wake up for school before getting a enough sleep.  For example, the average student in the 12th grade gets less than 7 hours of sleep a night.
Not getting enough sleep can make students feel tired all the time. This tiredness leads to a number of problems. Being tired makes it harder to be happy, pay attention, remember, and make good decisions.

Start School Later, Doctors Say

So can’t teens just go to bed earlier? The answer is: not really. Studies show that even when teenagers want to go to sleep early, their bodies do not always let them. This means that an earlier bedtime might not help.
If teens cannot fall asleep earlier, how can they get more sleep? Maybe they should sleep later in the morning. This is why the doctors at the American Academy of Pediatrics are now saying that school should start later.
Imagine a school that starts at 8 a.m. every morning. If it started at 9 a.m. instead, students could get an extra hour of sleep each night. This could help students feel rested. It may have other benefits as well. Maybe fewer students would be absent for class. Some may even do better work in school because they are not so tired. This is why some doctors think that starting school later is a good idea.
Will there be enough time for classes if the school day starts later? Will parents be able to get their kids ready for school before going to work? Starting school later may be difficult. Even so, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that schools should try it. Getting enough sleep, they say, is important for teenagers' health.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Language Rules

Groups Have Different Views

The United States is different from most countries in the world because it does not have an official language. The government does not force people to speak and write only in English.
But states and cities are allowed to make those rules.
There are 31 states that have made English their official language. All government communications in those states must be done in English. Five more states are considering laws to make English their official language too. The states are Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
Karin Davenport works with a group that is in favor of teaching English to immigrants. She explained that choosing English as the official language doesn't cause problems. It will not stop people from also speaking other languages.
She believes asking immigrants to learn English can help them. It makes it easier for them to mix with others.